Friday, October 23, 2009

Hevy Metals Globalization

Heavy metal is, perhaps, the movement with the most fans. It is also the most complex culture of our world. Sam Dunn decides to discover what is about metal music that connects him with millions all over the world. I could write a long text about how i feel connected when i cross upon metal fans, but Sam says better!
-A Headbangers Journey is an inside out vision about heavy metal culture.
-Global Metal sets to discover Heavy Metal in other than North America or Europe cultures. Introducing new sounds to the world!!!
Two documentaries not to be missed for those who love the genre and for those who like to learn about the world we live in.

Metal: a Headbangers Journey:
Global Metal:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Miss Lava

Heavy riffs to headbang, this is Miss Lava, debuting with "Blues For The Dangerous Miles". The most awaited album of the year, it was worth the waiting.
Let it rock baby!!!

don't stop checking for updated news

Monday, October 12, 2009

Alice In Chains

They are back, not Staley but it is worth giving it an opportunity. I personally just realize how much Staley was important. (Fuck off and die heroin!!!)
In fact their tease video made my expectations a bit high, which is half way to deception. Must say it is only half deception, i was hoping a bit heavy dark riffs and not such a commercial album. Needs to be listen well before throw it away, what the hell they are Alice In Chains.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

This is a blog entry that can be found on Edwyn Collins myspace. take a moment to read it and to think about it
Downloads and the Featured Artists Coalition
This is Grace here, the manager. I apologise for hijacking Edwyn's blog. I've been in a long running battle with myspace and a major label which is claiming the ownership of A Girl Like You. That's why it has not been here in it's entirety for ages. THEY WON"T LET US. It's a long, boring Kafkaesque story. I'm pissed off. We want to allow people to download it for free. Edwyn owns it, he should be able to what he wants. When I read about artists supporting the majors and Murdoch cartels even further it irritates me somewhat. So I posted this reply to the statement issued by the Featured Artists Coalition following their meeting at Air Studios. Music legally and freely available on the internet now!

Here's my post......
I am Edwyn Colllins manager. Let me tell you a story. At the beginning of this year I noticed that Edwyn's myspace had gone bit wonky and I tried to upload the tracks back on to the music player. His most famous track, which he owns the copyright in, as he does for most of the music he's recorded in his life (preferring to go it alone than have his music trapped "in perpetuity" to use the contract language of the major record company) is called A Girl Like You. It's quite famous. Lo and behold, it would not upload, I was told Edwyn was attempting to breach a copyright and he was sent to the Orwellian myspace copyright re-education page. Quite chilling, actually. I naturally blew my stack and wrote to myspace on his behalf demanding to know who the hell was claiming copyright of Edwyn's track? Which, incidentally, he always made freely available for download on myspace, something which amazed his followers. Eventually, after HUGE difficulty, I was told Warner Music Group were claiming it. I found a nice lawyer guy at Warners, very apologetic, promised to get it sorted, but all these months later it isn't. That is because Myspace are not equipped to deal with the notion that anyone other than a major can claim a copyright. Warner's were one of the lead petitioners in the attempt to put those three stoner lads in Sweden in prison recently, remember. A Girl Like You is available FOR SALE all over the internet. Not by Edwyn, by all sorts of respectable major labels whose licence to sell it ran out years ago and who do not account to him. Attempting to make them cease and desist would use up the rest of my life. Because this is what they do and what they've always done. And it's not just majors. If I had a fiver for all the dodgy indie labels we've been involved with I'd have £35 or thereabouts. (Exceptions: Heavenly and Domino). Andrew Loog Oldham said that getting ripped off (by the industry) was your entrance fee to the music business of the sixties, so get over it. He's right and things have not changed. We are very over it, but nonetheless aware of who the biggest bootleggers around are. It's not the filesharers. Personally, we've always loved bootlegs. Even when Edwyn was really skint at the fag end of the eighties, I remember being in Camden market and seeing some tapes of a couple of his shows on sale. I tried to buy them but the stallholder somehow knew who I was and said "free to the management." I failed to see how that guy selling tapes of Edwyn or even U2 or anybody on the list of signatories above could harm their career. But anyway, as an earlier post said, this is not really an argument worth having. The gig's up. You might as well take a position about when you want the sun to come up in the morning. It's over. Now let's get on with working out a wonderful new way for music lovers to enjoy music for free or for a small subscription that makes it legal and easy to hear ANYTHING and allows the artist to reap the rewards of such freedom of access. Viva la revolucion
thank you Grace. Hypocrisy will be their death

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